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The Occult War (Julius Evola)
Excerpt from “Men Among the Ruins”
Are the Emishi and Ainu Peoples Descendants of Scythians and Balkarians?
An Examination of the Connection Between Scythian Swords and Ainu Tombs, Which May Have Influenced Historical Japanese Swords - By Tetsutaka Sugawara, Machida City, Tokyo,…
U.S. Public Health Agencies Aren’t ‘Following the Science,’ Officials Say
‘People are getting bad advice and we can’t say anything.’
A New Concept Of The Universe – Walter Russel
To my deeply illumined wife, Lao, I dedicate this book with a heart filled with gratitude for her guiding wisdom and selfless, indefatigable work during…
Plant Consciousness
The Fascinating Evidence Showing Plants Have Human Level Intelligence Feelings Pain and More
Alex Jones Exposes Three Centers of Evil In New York City
The city that never sleeps is home to three centers of evil, two of which are still active. Alex takes you on a historical tour…
Giant Humanoids with 6 Fingers and 6 Toes
The world is littered with ancient statues, carvings and petroglyphs with six fingers and toes. The esoteric belief being that six fingers and toes was…
Planetary Orbits Influence On Consciousness
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We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts.